About Us
QA specialises in the people side of tech transformation – our training programmes help businesses to upskill or reskill their existing employees and our talent services are used to identify, recruit and skill-up diverse tech talent for our clients. We develop and deliver a range of digital bootcamps as well as free national programmes like Teach the Nation to Code, providing an entry point to tech learning for many that would simply not have the chance.
QA is the UK’s largest tech talent and training organisation. Last year we trained over 290,000 people. To date, we are proud to have created over 30,000 technology apprentices (and counting) through apprenticeship programmes that range from level 3 all the way up to masters-degree level 7.
Press releases
QA launches GetTech bootcamp to bridge the digital knowledge gap
QA, the UK’s largest tech skills and talent provider, announces the launch of a new digital citizen initiative called GetTech . The 5-day GetTech... read more
28.01.2021 • By QA Ltd